I'm using 1.49
Looking at my code there is another aspect that may be contributing to this. I am adding a join to another table in _cm_pre_getData() according to the procedure described in one of the FAQs. This has been working fine until the addition of the $selections criteria as I described earlier.
if (empty($this->sql_from)) {
// construct default SELECT and FROM clauses using parent relations
$this->sql_from = null;
$this->sql_groupby = null;
$this->sql_having = null;
$this->sql_from = $this->_sqlForeignJoin($this->sql_select, $this->sql_from, $this->parent_relations);
// add code to obtain grade amount
$this->sql_select .= ", crf_type.crf_type_id";
$this->sql_from .= " LEFT JOIN crf_type ON branch.crf_type_id=crf_type.crf_type_id";
} // if
I'm also going to try a couple of things in the meantime.