Thant worked great if I only select one team, but in the case I select two teams and open the link1 transaction, the first team is shown ok, but when I click the 'next' link I get an error, because the sql statement seems to be different:
Fatal Error: MySQL error: 1054 - Unknown column 'equipo.categoria_id' in 'on clause' (# 1054).
SQL query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS part_equipo_xref.*, participante.catsalut, participante.nombre,
participante.apellido1, participante.apellido2,
categoria.fecini, categoria.fecfin
FROM part_equipo_xref LEFT JOIN participante ON
LEFT JOIN categoria ON (categoria.categoria_id=equipo.categoria_id)
WHERE part_equipo_xref.participante_id IN (SELECT participante_id FROM part_ent_xref WHERE entidad_id=2)
AND participante.fecnac between categoria.fecini
AND categoria.fecfin LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0
At this pont it doesn't perform the join with 'equipo'.