I have run a test using the XAMPLE subsystem which is contained in the Radicore download. I changed the relationship between X_PERSON and X_PERSON_ADDR so that it reads as follows:
$this->parent_relations[] = array('parent' => 'x_person',
'parent_field' => 'CONCAT(first_name, \' \', last_name) AS person_name, value1, value2',
'fields' => array('person_id' => 'person_id'));
When I ran the task it gebnerate the following SQL query:
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS x_person_addr.*, CONCAT(x_person.first_name,' ',x_person.last_name) AS person_name, x_person.value1, x_person.value2
FROM x_person_addr
LEFT JOIN x_person ON (x_person.person_id=x_person_addr.person_id)
WHERE x_person_addr.person_id='PA'
ORDER BY x_person_addr.person_id, x_person_addr.address_no
As you can see it successfully retrieves multiple fields from the parent table. Can you step through with your debugger to see how the problem relationship is prcessed in the _sqlForeignJoin() method within 'std.table.class.inc'?