You like being awkward, don't you!
Attached is a new version of in which I have cut out the overwriting of $where with $selection. Both of these values will be passed to initialise() and therefore _cm_initalise(). I have changed the logic inside initialise() as follows:
$where2 = $this->_cm_initialise($where, $selection, $search);
if ($where2 != $where) {
// this was changed in _cm_initialise(), so use the new version
$where = $where2;
} else {
if (!empty($selection)) {
// $selection takes precedence over $where
$where = $selection;
$selection = null;
} // if
} // if
If _cm_initialise() changes the contents of $where then $selection will be ignored.
If $where is not changed and $selection is not empty then $where will be overwritten by $selection.
Note that the agument list for _cm_initialise() has been changed to the following:
function _cm_initialise ($where, &$selection, $search)
// perform any initialisation for the current task.
// NOTE: $selection is passed by reference as it may be amended.
// NOTE: $search is only available for OUTPUT tasks.
// customisable code goes here
return $where;
} // _cm_initialise
$selection is passed by reference so that you can change its contents. If you erase it then it cannot be used to overwrite the contents of $where.
Try the attached file to see if it works OK.