This application has encountered an unrecoverable error

The following has been reported to the administrator:

2021-11-25 16:46:20

Fatal Error: Cannot extract token from: ''HTM14217', 'HTM14607', 'HTM12827', 'HTM12897', 'HTM14337', 'HTM14357', 'HTM12407')' (# 256)

Error in line 9556 of file 'C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\'.

PHP_SELF: /radicore/htm/orga_spiele_anwesenheit_p01(popup1).php

CURRENT DIRECTORY: C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\htm


SERVER_NAME: localhost

HTTP_HOST: localhost

User Id: HVS



REQUEST_URI: /radicore/htm/orga_spiele_anwesenheit_p01(popup1).php?csrf_id=619fafcbf374e1.86337389&session_name=menu0

Page Stack:

  [0] htm_main
  [1] htm_orga
  [2] htm_orga_mannschaften(list1)
  [3] htm_orga_spiele(list2)
  [4] htm_orga_spiele_einsatzplan_angriff(list2)
  [5] htm_orga_spiele_einsatzplan_angriff(upd1)
  [6] htm_orga_spiele_anwesenheit_p01(popup1)


0: array =
  function: string = errorHandler
  args: array =
    0: integer = 256
    1: string = Cannot extract token from: ''HTM14217', 'HTM14607', 'HTM12827', 'HTM12897', 'HTM14337', 'HTM14357', 'HTM12407')'
    2: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\
    3: integer = 9556
    4: array =
      where: string = 'HTM14217', 'HTM14607', 'HTM12827', 'HTM12897', 'HTM14337', 'HTM14357', 'HTM12407')
      pattern1: string = ~
(                            # start choice
 [\(]{2,}                    # two or more '('
|                            # or
 [ ]*AND(?=\()               # 'AND(' but without the '(' - see pattern 2
|                            # or
 [ ]*AND[ ]+                 # 'AND' followed by 1 or more spaces
|                            # or
 [ ]*OR(?=\()                # 'OR(' but without the '(' - see pattern 2
|                            # or
 [ ]*OR[ ]+                  # 'OR' followed by 1 or more spaces
|                            # or
 NOT[ ]*\(                   # 'NOT (' - see pattern 2
|                                   # or
 \([ ]*SELECT[ ]+COUNT\(.+\).+\)    # (select count(*) from ...)
|                            # or
 \([ ]*(SELECT|CASE)[ ]+     # '(select ' or '(case '
|                            # or
 (NOT[ ]+)?EXISTS            # [NOT] EXISTS
 [ ]*                        # 0 or more spaces
 \(                          # starts with '(' - see pattern 2
|                            # or
 \w+(\.\w+)?                 # word[.word]
 [ ]+                        # 1 or more spaces
 (IS[ ]+NOT|IS)              # 'IS [NOT]
 [ ]+                        # 1 or more spaces
 NULL                        # NULL
|                            # or
 \w+(\.\w+)?                 # word [.word]
 [ ]+                        # 1 or more spaces
 (NOT[ ]+)?REGEXP            # [NOT] REGEXP
 [ ]*                        # 0 or more spaces
 '(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)'      # quoted string
|                            # or
 \w+(\.\w+)?                 # word [.word]
 [ ]+                        # 1 or more spaces
 (NOT[ ]+)?BETWEEN           # [NOT] BETWEEN
 [ ]+                        # 1 or more spaces
 .+?                         # any characters (non-greedy)
 [ ]AND[ ]                   # AND
 .+?                         # any characters (non-greedy)
 (?=[ ]+(AND|OR))            # followed by AND or OR (excluded)
|                            # or
 \w+(\.\w+)?                 # word [.word]
 [ ]+                        # 1 or more spaces
 (NOT[ ]+IN|IN)              # [NOT] IN
 [ ]*                        # 0 or more spaces
 \(                          # '(' followed by
|                            # or
 (                           # start choice
  \w+(\.\w+)?                # word[.word]
  |                          # or
  \w+(\.\w+)?                # word[.word] followed by
  [ ]*                       # 0 or more spaces
  \(                         # '(' followed by
  (?>                        # start atomic group
  (                          # start choice
   [\w ,\./\*:\+-]               # word or ',. /*:+-'
   |                             # or
   \(\)                          # ()
   |                             # or
   \(\w+\)                       # (word)
   |                             # or
   '(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)'        # quoted string
   |                             # or
   [-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)? # number (decimal, floating point)
  )                          # end choice
  )                          # end atomic group
  ++                         # 1 or more times (possessive quantifier)
  \)                         # ending with ')'
  |                          # or
  \(                         # '(' followed by
  (?>                        # start atomic group
  (                          # start choice
   [\w ,\./*+-]                  # word or ',. /*+-'
   |                             # or
   '(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)'        # quoted string
   |                             # or
   [-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)? # number (decimal, floating point)
  )                          # end choice
  )                          # end atomic group
  ++                         # 1 or more times (possessive quantifier)
  \)                         # ending with ')'
  |                          # or
  '(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)'     # quoted string
 )                           # end choice
 [ ]*                        # 0 or more spaces
 (?P               # pattern name
  (<>|<=|<|>=|>|!=|=|(NOT[ ])?(I|R)?LIKE|IN)   # comparison operators
 )                           # end pattern
 [ ]*                        # 0 or more spaces
 (                           # start choice
  (ANY|ALL|SOME)             # 'ANY' or 'ALL' or 'SOME'
  [ ]*                       # 0 or more spaces
  \(                         # starts with '(' - see pattern 2
  |                          # or
  CASE[ ]+WHEN[ ]+.+?END     # CASE WHEN ... END
  |                          # or
  (\w+(\.\w+)?)?             # optional word[.word] followed by
  [ ]*                       # 0 or more spaces
  \(                         # '(' followed by
  (?![ ]*(select|case)[ ]+)  # anything but 'select ' or 'case '
  (?>                        # start atomic group
  (                          # start choice
   [\w ,\./*+-]                  # word or ',. /*+-'
   |                             # or
   \(\)                          # ()
   |                             # or
   \(\w+\)                       # (word)
   |                             # or
   '(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)'        # quoted string
   |                             # or
   [-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)? # number (decimal, floating point)
  )                          # end choice
  )                          # end atomic grouping
  ++                         # 1 or more times (possessive quantifier)
  \)                         # ending with ')'
  |                             # or
  \w+(\.\w+)?                   # word[.word]
  [ ]*                          # optional space(s))
  (\+|-)[ ]*[0-9]+              # +/- digits
  |                             # or
  \w+(\.\w+)?                   # word[.word]
  (\(\))?                       # optional '()'
  |                             # or
  '(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)'        # quoted string
  |                             # or
  [-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)? # number (decimal, floating point)
  |                             # or
  \(                            # '('
 )                           # end choice
|                            # or
  \(                         # '(' followed by
  (?>                        # start atomic group
  (                          # start choice
   [\w ,\./*+-]                  # word or ',. /*+-'
   |                             # or
   '(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)'        # quoted string
   |                             # or
   [-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)? # number (decimal, floating point)
  )                          # end choice
  )                          # end atomic group
  ++                         # 1 or more times (possessive quantifier)
  \)                         # ending with ')'
|                            # or
  \w+(\.\w+)?                # word [.word]
  [ ]*                       # any spaces
  \(                         # '('
  \(                         # begins with '(' - see pattern 2
)                            # end choice
      pattern1a: string = /
\w+(\.\w+)?                # word [.word]
[ ]+                       # 1 or more spaces
(NOT[ ]+)?BETWEEN          # [NOT] BETWEEN
[ ]+                       # 1 or more spaces
.+                         # any characters
[ ]AND[ ]                  # AND
.+                         # any characters
      pattern1b: string = /
\w+(\.\w+)?             # word[.word]
[ ]*                    # 0 or more spaces
(&|~|\^|<<|>>|\|)       # bitwise operators
[ ]*                    # 0 or more spaces
[0-9]+                  # 1 or more digits
[ ]*                    # 0 or more spaces
(<>|<=|<|>=|>|!=|=)     # comparison operators
[ ]*                    # 0 or more spaces
[0-9]+                  # 1 or more digits
      pattern1c: string = ~
^                            # begins with
(                            # start choice
 [ ]*AND(?=\()               # 'AND(' but without the '(' - see pattern 2
|                            # or
 [ ]*AND[ ]+                 # 'AND' followed by 1 or more spaces
|                            # or
 [ ]*OR(?=\()                # 'OR(' but without the '(' - see pattern 2
|                            # or
 [ ]*OR[ ]+                  # 'OR' followed by 1 or more spaces
|                            # or
 NOT[ ]*\(                   # 'NOT (' - see pattern 2
|                            # or
 \([ ]*(SELECT|CASE)[ ]+     # '(select ' or '(case '
|                            # or
 COUNT\(.+\).+               # 'count(*) ...'
|                            # or
 \(                          # begins with '(' - see pattern 2
)                            # end choice
      pattern1d: string = ~
(               # start group
 (              # start choice
  \w+\(\)       # function()
  |             # or
  \w+(\.\w+)?   # word [.word]
 )              # end choice
 [ ]*           # optional space
 [-,\+]*        # optional minus,comma,plus
 [ ]*           # optional space
)+              # end group, 1 or more times
      pattern1e: string = ~
(,|\))          # ',' or ')'
      pattern2a: string = /
^                              # begins with
[ ]*                           # 0 or more spaces
(?P                  # pattern name
(<>|<=|<|>=|>|!=|=)            # comparison operators
)                              # end pattern
[ ]*                           # 0 or more spaces
\([ ]*select[ ]+               # '(SELECT ...'
      pattern2b: string = /
^                              # begins with
[ ]*                           # 0 or more spaces
(?P                  # pattern name
  (                            # start choice
   <>|<=|<|>=|>|!=|=           # comparison operators
   |                           # or
   NOT[ ]+LIKE|LIKE            # [NOT] LIKE
   |                           # or
   NOT[ ]+RLIKE|RLIKE          # [NOT] RLIKE
   |                           # or
   |                           # or
   NOT[ ]+IN|IN                # [NOT] IN
   |                           # or
   |                           # or
   IS[ ]+NOT|IS                # IS [NOT]
  )                            # end choice
)                              # end pattern
[ ]*                           # 0 or more spaces
(                              # start choice
  \(                           # '('
  |                            # or
  (?P                     # pattern name
    (                              # start choice
     \w+(\.\w+)?                   # word[.word]
     ([ ]*\(\))?                   # '()' optional
     |                             # or
     '(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)'        # quoted string
     |                             # or
     [-+]?\d*\.?\d+([eE][-+]?\d+)? # digits (with or without decimals)
    )                              # end choice
  )                              # end pattern
)                              #end choice
      pattern2c: string = /
^                              # begins with
\(                             # (
[ ]*                           # 0 or more spaces
\w+(\.\w+)?                    # word[.word]
[ ]*                           # 0 or more spaces
(NOT)?                         # optional NOT
[ ]*                           # 0 or more spaces
(?P                  # pattern name
  (<>|<=|<|>=|>|!=|=|(I|R)?LIKE|IN|BETWEEN)   # comparison operators
)                              # end pattern
[ ]*                           # 0 or more spaces
      pattern2d: string = /
(?P                  # pattern name
 (NOT)?                        # optional NOT
 [ ]*                          # 0 or more spaces
 BETWEEN[ ]+                   # operator
)                              # end pattern
(?P                     # pattern name
 (                             # start choice
  \d+[ ]+AND[ ]+\d+            # digits AND digits
  '(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)'[ ]+AND[ ]+'(([^\\']*(\\.)?)*)' # string AND string
 )                             # end choice
)                              # end pattern
      input: string = orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_anwesenheit_status = '1' AND orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_kontakt_typ_id = 'SP' AND  CONCAT(user_id, user_seq_no, user_rdcaccount_id) NOT IN ('HTM14217', 'HTM14607', 'HTM12827', 'HTM12897', 'HTM14337', 'HTM14357', 'HTM12407')
      output: array =
        0: string = orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_anwesenheit_status = '1'
        1: string = AND
        2: string = orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_kontakt_typ_id = 'SP'
        3: string = AND
        4: string = CONCAT(user_id, user_seq_no, user_rdcaccount_id) NOT IN
      result: integer = 0
      regs: array =
      found: string = CONCAT(user_id, user_seq_no, user_rdcaccount_id) NOT IN 
1: array =
  file: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\
  line: integer = 9556
  function: string = trigger_error
  args: array =
    0: string = Cannot extract token from: ''HTM14217', 'HTM14607', 'HTM12827', 'HTM12897', 'HTM14337', 'HTM14357', 'HTM12407')'
    1: integer = 256
2: array =
  file: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\
  line: integer = 9167
  function: string = where2indexedArray
  args: array =
    0: string = 'HTM14217', 'HTM14607', 'HTM12827', 'HTM12897', 'HTM14337', 'HTM14357', 'HTM12407')
3: array =
  file: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\
  line: integer = 7680
  function: string = where2array
  args: array =
    0: string = orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_anwesenheit_status = '1' AND orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_kontakt_typ_id = 'SP' AND  CONCAT(user_id, user_seq_no, user_rdcaccount_id) NOT IN ('HTM14217', 'HTM14607', 'HTM12827', 'HTM12897', 'HTM14337', 'HTM14357', 'HTM12407')
    1: integer = 0
    2: boolean = 
4: array =
  file: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\
  line: integer = 3812
  function: string = selection2PKeyOnly
  args: array =
    0: string = orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_anwesenheit_status = '1' AND orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_kontakt_typ_id = 'SP' AND  CONCAT(user_id, user_seq_no, user_rdcaccount_id) NOT IN ('HTM14217', 'HTM14607', 'HTM12827', 'HTM12897', 'HTM14337', 'HTM14357', 'HTM12407') 
    1: array =
      0: string = verbaende_art_id
      1: string = verbaende_kuerzel
      2: string = vereine_kuerzel
      3: string = saison_id
      4: string = mannschaften_id
      5: string = spiel_seq_no
      6: string = user_id
      7: string = user_seq_no
      8: string = user_rdcaccount_id
    2: array =
5: array =
  file: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\
  line: integer = 151
  function: string = getData
  class: string = Default_Table
  type: string = ->
  args: array =
    0: string = orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_anwesenheit_status = '1' AND orga_spiele_anwesenheit.spiele_kontakt_typ_id = 'SP' AND  CONCAT(user_id, user_seq_no, user_rdcaccount_id) NOT IN ('HTM14217', 'HTM14607', 'HTM12827', 'HTM12897', 'HTM14337', 'HTM14357', 'HTM12407') 
6: array =
  file: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\
  line: integer = 17
  args: array =
    0: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\
  function: string = require
7: array =
  file: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\htm\orga_spiele_anwesenheit_p01(popup1).php
  line: integer = 42
  args: array =
    0: string = C:\xampp\htdocs\radicore\includes\
  function: string = require