The UPDATE1 pattern expects the identity of the record which to be updated is passed down in the $where string. This is automatically populated when it is activated from a navigation button on a LIST1 or LIST2 pattern after a selection is made.
If the $where string does not contain the primary key of a record on the UPDATE1's table then it does not know which record to update, so it fails.
If you have added this task as a navigation button on the MENU task then the $where string is empty, which is why you are getting that error message.
You can get around this by inserting the following code into the _cm_initalise() method of
function _cm_initialise ($where)
// perform any initialisation for the current task.
// this may be called from the home page, so insert user's id
if (empty($where)) {
$pattern_id = getPatternId();
if (eregi('upd1|enq1', $pattern_id)) {
$where = "user_id='" .$_SESSION['logon_user_id'] ."'";
} // if
} // if
return $where;
} // _cm_initialise
This will cause it to default to the current user's identity.
I shall make the same change in my version so that this code is not lost in the next release.