I've had a play with this and changed the getInitialDataMultiple() method so that it outputs a multi-dimensional array (indexed by row number, then associative for each row) instead of an associatve array for a single row only. This will be released in version 1.30.0 which will be available shortly.
In the meantime you can try this code - in the getInitialDataMultiple() method of std.table.class.inc change this:
if (!empty($where)) {
if (is_array($where)) {
$fieldarray = $where;
} else {
// convert 'where' string to an associative array
$fieldarray = where2array($where);
} // if
} else {
$fieldarray = array();
} // if
to this:
if (!empty($where)) {
if (is_array($where)) {
$fieldarray = $where;
} else {
// convert 'where' string to an array which is indexed by row number
$array1 = splitWhereByRow($where);
// convert 'where' for each row into an associative array
foreach ($array1 as $rownum => $rowdata) {
$fieldarray[] = where2array($rowdata);
} // foreach
} // if
} else {
$fieldarray = array();
} // if
Let me know if this solves your problem.