Here it is:
Page Stack:
[0] main_menu
[1] ceae
[2] ceae_entidad_importes(list1)
0: array =
file: string = /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/radicore/includes/
line: integer = 89
function: string = createElement
class: string = DOMDocument
type: string = ->
args: array =
0: string = sum(importe)
1: array =
file: string = /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/radicore/includes/
line: integer = 643
function: string = addData2XMLdoc
args: array =
4: array =
2: array =
file: string = /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/radicore/includes/
line: integer = 193
function: string = buildXML
args: array =
0: array =
0: array =
1: array =
2: array =
3: array =
file: string = /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/radicore/ceae/entidad_importes(list1).php
line: integer = 19
args: array =
0: string = /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/radicore/includes/
function: string = require
Can the cause be something that I've put in the php file:?
// *****************************************************************************
// List the contents of a database table and allow the user to view/modify
// the contents by activating other screens via navigation buttons.
// *****************************************************************************
$table_id = 'entidad_s01'; // table name
$screen = ''; // file identifying screen structure
// customise the SQL SELECT statement
$sql_select = 'noment,sum(importe)';
$sql_from = null;
$sql_where = null;
$sql_groupby = '1';
$sql_having = null;
$sql_orderby = '1';
$sql_search_table = null;
require ''; // activate page controller
[Updated on: Mon, 17 November 2008 13:10]
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