I can see two things missing in that screen:
1) A red asterisk in front of the 'Table Id (jnr)' label to signify that the field is required.
2) A popup button in the 'Table Id (jnr)' value area to signify that a value is chosen from a popup screen.
This works perfectly on all my installations. The only way that those two items can be missing on the screen is if the details in the dict_retaionship.dict.inc file are wrong. You should see the following values:
$fieldspec['table_id_jnr'] = array('type' => 'string',
'size' => 64,
'pkey' => 'y',
'required' => 'y',
'lowercase' => 'y',
'control' => 'popup',
'task_id' => 'dict_table(popup1)',
'foreign_field' => 'table_id_jnr',
'noedit' => 'y');
Can you check your copy of the file to see if it correct?
[Updated on: Thu, 16 May 2013 08:37]
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