Definitely should not include anything that has no contact with the exported subsystem. So, only the roles directly referenced by the subsystem will be sufficient. To make this happen I added the following code to file, function _exportSQL:
// export the contents of MNU_ROLE used by this subsystem
$taskobj->sql_select = 'DISTINCT mnu_role.*';
$taskobj->sql_from = 'mnu_role '
.'INNER JOIN mnu_role_task ON mnu_role_task.role_id=mnu_role.role_id '
.'INNER JOIN mnu_task AS task ON task.task_id=mnu_role_task.task_id ';
$taskobj->sql_orderby = 'role_id';
$data = $taskobj->getData_raw("task.subsys_id='$subsys_id'");
$output = $this->_exportSqlData('mnu_role', $data, $output);
As to why this treatment for MNU_ROLE and not the other tables you mentioned, the distinction is that its primary key role_id is directly referenced in "...menu_export.sql" while the others are not (unless exported subsystem is MENU itself).